The Senator’s office wanted to provide some important information for residents of District 29 who have been affected by the closure of the coal generation units at the Chalk Point generation station.
Our office was contacted by a constituent regarding how the State could help workers who had been employed at these units. Although Chalk Point is located in Prince George’s County, its proximity to our area meant that there were residents of St. Mary’s and Calvert Counties who were employed at Chalk Point and would be affected by this closure. After working with our constituent and the Maryland Department of Labor, we were pleased to learn that the Board of Stationary Engineers has granted an appeal allowing 18 months for these employees to apply to sit directly for the first class Stationary Engineer’s license, which will make it easier for these workers to find equivalent employment in other fields.
We want to thank the constituent who brought this to our attention as well as the Department of Labor and the Board of Stationary Engineers for taking action to help these workers find new employment. If your employment has been affected by this closure and you have any questions about this action, please contact the Board of Stationary Engineers. Contact information for the Board is available through their website: