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July 2024 Update

Dear Neighbor,

Thank you for the feedback that so many of you gave in response to my June update regarding legislation passed in the last session. As of July 1, five more of my sponsored bills, as well as other measures that I supported with our St. Mary’s County Delegation, are now law:

Senate Bill 10 (2023) – Department of Natural Resources – Documents – Digital or Electronic Issuance requires the Department of Natural Resources to make available and issue most licenses, stamps, permits, registrations, or certificates authorized by the Natural Resources Article in a digital or electronic format. This legislation does not eliminate paper licenses but rather gives Marylanders the choice of how they want to carry these documents.

Senate Bill 32 – Economic Development – Maryland Agricultural and Resource-Based Industry Development Corporation – Loans  ensures that Maryland watermen who hold commercial licenses from the Potomac River Fisheries Commission are eligible for the Maryland Watermen’s Microloan Program in the same manner as residents who hold commercial licenses from the State. This legislation also includes provisions to ensure that oyster shucking houses have access to a separate microloan program intended to benefit seafood processing projects in our State.

Senate Bill 108 – Income Tax – Subtraction Modification – Police Auxiliary and Reserve Volunteers combines the current subtraction modification for volunteer fire, rescue, and emergency medical services members and police auxiliaries and reserve volunteers so that the amounts of these deductions would become and remain equal. The current deduction for volunteer fire, rescue, and EMS members is $7,000, while the deduction for police auxiliaries and reserve volunteers is $5,000. This bill gives all public safety volunteers a $7,000 deduction.

Senate Bill 429 – Corporations and Associations – Protestant Episcopal Church, Diocese of Washington codifies provisions of State law governing the organization of the Diocese in Maryland at their request. This will make it easier for our local Episcopal Churches to obtain the documentation needed to conduct business.

Senate Bill 508 – Hunting – Nonresident Sika Deer Stamp – Fee Alteration sets the fee for a nonresident Sika deer stamp at $200. This legislation has no impact on Maryland hunters, as the cost for a resident Sika deer stamp remains unchanged.

House Bill 651 – St. Mary’s County – Alcoholic Beverages – Beer, Wine, and Liquor Tasting Permit establishes a new liquor permit in St. Mary’s County for retailers to offer samples of liquor products in addition to beer and wine.

House Bill 654 – St. Mary’s County – Alcoholic Beverages – Nonprofit Performing Arts Theater License will allow nonprofit community theaters in St. Mary’s County to purchase a single annual license to sell or serve beer and wine rather than requiring them to purchase numerous licenses over the course of the year.

While the legislature may not be in session, our work on behalf of the people of District 29 never stops. As always, please do not hesitate to contact me or my office with any questions or concerns you may have with State government. Thank you for the opportunity to represent you in the Senate of Maryland.