Senator Bailey continues to introduce legislation to improve public safety in Maryland. Today, he introduced a bill to add the Castle Doctrine into Maryland law. This would establish that Marylanders would be justified in using physical force, including deadly physical force, to defend their home and deter criminals.
Under the Castle Doctrine bill, the use of force is justified if three conditions are met: physical force can only be used against someone who entered unlawfully, the occupant of the home must reasonably believe that force or deadly force is necessary to stop the attack, and the amount and nature of the force must be reasonable under the circumstances. The bill also establishes exceptions for first responders performing official duties and does not apply if force is used against a person who has express permission to enter the home. Senator Bailey introduced this bill to enshrine Marylanders’ right to defend themselves, their families, and their homes into state law. The bill will be given a number and a bill hearing on a date to be determined.
Last night, the Senate voted unanimously to recognize Maryland students who were finalists at the National History Day competition, as well as the Maryland History Day Teachers of the Year. Senator Bailey was honored to recognize these outstanding Maryland students and teachers for their accomplishments.
Today, Senator Bailey attended an open house for the Maryland Military Alliances. The Alliances, including the Southern Maryland Navy Alliance, support and promote our major military installations in Maryland. He also attended the Citizens Action Day for the Convention of States, which is an effort to amend the Constitution to limit the power of the Federal Government.