Today was National Law Enforcement Day, where we take time to honor the brave men and women who work to keep us safe. Police officers from all across Maryland came to Annapolis to be recognized by the Governor and the General Assembly. Senator Bailey was able to meet with many of these officers, including St. Mary’s County Sheriff Tim Cameron, Calvert County Sheriff Mike Evans, and Commanders from both counties’ Sheriff’s Offices, as well as officers from the Maryland Natural Resources’ police force. As a retired Maryland Natural Resources Police Sergeant, Senator Bailey is a strong supporter of our State’s law enforcement officers. As part of today’s observance of National Law Enforcement Day, Governor Hogan announced that he will be re-introducing legislation to eliminate state taxes on the retirement income of first responders. Senator Bailey supports Governor Hogan’s efforts to provide relief to our first responders in this manner.
Today was also the first day of Senate committee hearings. Senator Bailey is a member of the Senate’s Education, Health, and Environmental Affairs Committee. These hearings allow for Senators to question the bill’s sponsors and provide an opportunity for members of the public to give their opinion on the legislation that is before each committee. This scrutiny is an important part of the legislative process in the General Assembly. Today’s hearing was relatively short, with only three bills on the agenda, but they will become longer and cover more bills as the session progresses.
Later in the day, Senator Bailey met in the State House with representatives of the Hogan Administration including the Secretary of Transportation Greg Slater to discuss progress and potential options for the replacement of the Thomas Johnson Bridge and other important highway projects in District 29. Senator Bailey also met with representatives from the Calvert Marine Museum to discuss opportunities to obtain state bond funding this session.